Ainsley Maitland who is the midfielder of Arsenal made his professional debut for Arsenal at the age of 17 in 2014 and since then has succeeded in proving his worth in the team. He recently confessed that he was racially abused and his comments came in the backdrop of the incidence of racial abuse whose victim was Raheem Sterling of Manchester City and he was abused on Saturday at the Stamford Bridge.

The midfielder, Ainsley said he was abused at the age of 12 when he was playing for his team in an away game on the soil of Germany but this incident took place “no action was taken”. While commenting on the incidence which happened with Raheem he said that “I believe that this is disgusting, and I really acknowledge Raheem’s effort for coming up and standing up for other players and himself and speaking about this incidence.”
He praised Raheem and told that “Raheem is a very brave lad for doing this and I hope that more people should hear his concerns and show some sympathy towards him because this is not the first occasion that a thing like this has happened and we don’t want it to continue. This should be the last such incidence.”
While speaking about his personal experience, the player of England under-21 said my incident was quite similar to this one and I was abused when I went to pick up the ball. I also did nothing like him and just moved on to play the game and I think the perpetrators were doing such things because we were having a good game. And they wanted me to feel uncomfortable so that I can lose my concentration.